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Coaching Services
If you feel overwhelmed and need help prioritizing and scheduling your week CLICK HERE!Accountability Coaching Do you have a to-do list that never gets done, deadlines you keep extending, and finish each day thinking, "Why does it feel like nothing got done?" As your accountability coach, I'll throw you a life preserver and get you surfing the waving of productivity again. This is perfect for people who are trying to anchor their day-to-day life. Monthly rate includes: • 4 weekly 30-minute sessions (Phone or Zoom/Facetime) • Unlimited email communication between session "When I set the bar too low, Janet challenges me to raise it. When the bar is too high, she asks, “What would happen if you lowered it?” Above all, Janet helps me be honest with myself, and working with her has doubled my productivity." ~Al Pittampalli, Author of Persuadable
If you are in the middle of a transition and need support navigating the change CLICK HERE!One-on-One Motivational Life Coaching If you feel stuck or in a holding pattern in your life, and you know something's gotta give, this service is for you. You may have no idea what you want to do next, or you may have some ideas, but are blocked by an overwhelming fear of change. Coaching will help you visualize a new path, design achievable action steps, stay accountable, and keep you focused on your goals. The 3-Month Coach Package includes: • 12 weekly 45-minute sessions (Phone/Zoom/Facetime) • Post-session recap emails • Unlimited email communication between sessions "After just two sessions with Janet I had clarity on my strengths, my wants and my needs for my next role. I put this to use at a networking conference and I have two interviews lined up. Janet helped me to focus in on what I really want out of my career." Christine Lazott, Director Provider Contracts
If your batteries are constantly running low and you need help keeping them charged CLICK HERE!Recharging Your Batteries 6-Week Coaching Package In this six-week program, we’ll explore six different factors that can drain your energy. By understanding each factor and how they work together, you can develop strategies to sustain and manage your energy in all aspects of your life. Over the course of six 45-minutes sessions, we will: • Take a deep dive into the different detractors • Identify triggers that drain your energy and antidotes to recharge • Implement new habits and goals to sustain your energy • Find out how to apply the tools and strategies to everyday life. The 6-Week Coach Package includes: • 6 weekly 45-minute sessions (Phone/Zoom/Facetime) • Post-session recap emails • Unlimited email communication between sessions
If you would like to schedule a workshop for your business or organization CLICK HERE!(All Workshops are 1 hour and include a handout, PowerPoint and Q & A time.) Decluttering: How to start and how to help others We’ll discuss tips and tricks for decluttering your home, garage, storage units, and your life. We will also explore ways to support and help family and friends, who have clutter challenges. At the end of this workshop, attendees will know how to create a plan, attack the piles, research options for disposal, and overcome the emotional and mental barriers to getting started. Recharging Your Batteries Feeling a little drained? Need a little help recharging? We’ll explore six different factors that can drain your energy. By understanding each factor and how they work together, you can develop strategies to sustain and manage your energy in all aspects of your life. The discussion will help you: • Take a deep dive into the different detractors (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental, Social and Spiritual.) • Identify triggers that drain your energy and antidotes to recharge • Implement new habits and goals to sustain your energy • Find out how to apply the tools and strategies to everyday life Goal Setting What goals have you been putting off because you don't know where to start? How many projects have you started and given up on because you hit a wall? We’ll create a safe, encouraging space to help you create a confident mindset, establish realistic goals, overcome mental obstacles, and take manageable action steps. Navigating Change We will discuss how we deal and cope with change, what motivates us to change, what prevents us from changing, and how we can feel more empowered in the face of change—even if it is not what we signed up for.
Still NOt sure?
Contact me to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation, and we will design the right package for you.
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