Whose voice are you listening to? Are you sure it is yours?
I was fortunate enough to get invited for a weekend trip to Martha’s Vineyard this summer and on a morning walk, I saw this quote outside...
What will fill my day when it's not filled with work?
Last June the The Daily Podcast did a story on the F.I.R.E. Movement, where people go to extreme measures to become financially...
How much of an impact is enough?
Early in your career you may have had big dreams about the impact you wanted to have on the world, but for most people, the realities of...
Sometimes acting “professional” is a privilege
I recently traveled to Columbus, OH for a conference and had a few encounters that got me thinking about what it means to act...
How can you tell if your job is fine or “F.I.N.E.”?
There is a high rate of dissatisfaction in the workplace, and there are plenty of economic, social and political trends that can explain...
How much of your identity is in your work? Is it working for you?
When you meet someone new, you probably often say “What do you do?” For some people it’s pretty straight forward and for others… not so...
4 Annoying but important things to do if you are planning to change careers.
Even if you frequently dream of changing careers, you might choose to stay where you are because it’s paying the bills and the fear of...
Top Three Values: Part III - Open-mindedness
Earlier this year, I was asked to do a “values” exercise and identify my top three values. What I came up with was the following: 1. ...
Top Three Values: Part II - Accountability
Image by Ezequiel Octaviano from Pixabay Earlier this year, I was asked to do a “values” exercise and identify my top three values. What...
Top Three Values: Part I - Self-Honesty
Earlier this year, I was asked to do a “values” exercise and identify my top three values. After making several lists, ranking and...