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2024 To-DONE List: Look at how far you have come!

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

This is the time when people start thinking about goals for next year. Vision boards, resolutions, promises to eat right, exercise, get a new job, find a life partner… But what about what happened this year?

There always seems more to do and more we want to achieve. We check our goals off the list (or not) and then think, “Ok, What’s next?” We don’t always give ourselves any time to bask in all that we’ve accomplished . 

When I finish a journal I always go back to the first page to see where I was when I started the journal, and it’s always a surprise. Situations that seemed insurmountable ended up working out in the end. Things I didn’t even imagine I would have are now a reality.

And it’s not just about what I have DONE. I’m always caught off guard by how much my outlook on life and my perspective can change in a year. Last fall, the library that I am now director of (who knew?) hosted a workshop by my friend Amanda Raymond. At the end she had us write a letter to ourselves, which she collected and then mailed to us a year later. 

I had not only forgotten that I had written the letter, I was floored by how much in my life had changed and involved since then– some by chance and some by effort and choices I made.

Before you start carving a vision for 2025, I invite you to reflect on what 2024 has meant to you.

What went well? What went better than you expected? What did you accomplish that wasn’t even on your “goal” list? 

What did you learn about yourself? What did you think you wanted that you didn’t want after all? What seemed like a big deal or too hard of a challenge that you now have a different perspective on?

What are you most proud of? What are you most grateful for? What/who helped you accomplish it?

Need some guidance for this exercise? Download this free worksheet.


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