Don’t Board the Runaway Thought Train

Our thoughts have a way of spinning out of control if we let them. It might look something like this:
Initial thought: “I want to leave my job.”
Runaway train: “But I don’t know what I’ll do next. And I don’t have any other degrees. And without a degree in another field I won’t make as much money. And if I don’t make as money, I’ll have to work harder and longer and I won’t be able to go on my yearly trip with my friends. And then my friends and I will grow apart. And I’ll spend the rest of my life working longer and hard with less money and I’ll have no friends….”
Woooooooh, Bessie. Let’s back it up a bit…
What was the initial thought? (You may have forgotten, so go back and look.) When you find yourself visualizing a future where you retire to a cardboard box under the overpass, stop yourself and go back to the first thought you had. And pick a new direction.
Let’s try it again…
Initial thought: “I want to leave my job.”
New trains to board:
“What I am passionate about is [fill in the blank].”
“When I’m doing something I love, I’ll look forward to Mondays.”
“If I don’t look for new opportunities, I won’t know what I am missing.”
“Being at a new job that is more fulfilling and less stressful will allow me to have more energy for activities outside of work.”
Most people are familiar with the negative runaway thought train. Breaking this habit takes practice and self-awareness. Here are a few activities that will help you derail the runaway train:
-Meditate daily for 10 – 20 minutes
-Create a vision board for new career
-Ride a positive runaway thought train (Make a list of all the best possible outcomes)
It’s responsible to consider negative consequences. It is self-destructive to ONLY consider negative consequences.
“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”
~Dr. Seuss, “Oh, The Places You’ll Go”