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Successful Transition: Francesca K.

When I started working with Francesca a year ago, she had just left her job and was contemplating her next steps. She is now a first-time entrepreneur with a growing web design business. She graciously shares some of the insights she gained along the way.

Describe the transition you went through from leaving your job last year to where you are now.

I left a job in the corporate world, in an industry where I had lost passion for what I was doing. I wanted my next move to be entrepreneurial while also allowing me to have a lifestyle where I have the freedom to travel. Within 4 months of leaving my former career, I traveled to Costa Rica for 2 months, and I’ve since been able to create a freelance web design business, which I can do remotely.

What did it feel like to leave a job, and start fresh?

Scary but also exciting. My gut was telling me that starting fresh on a new path was worth the initial moments of uncertainty.

What was something invaluable you learned during your transition?

The most invaluable insight was remembering to not pay too much attention to worries about the future, and to always trust myself that I can make it through any challenges when they come up.

What was something you wish you did differently?

I wish I hadn’t dwelled too much on a few moments of uncertainty.

What impact did coaching have on your job transition?

Coaching helped me learn how to get out of my own way. I was able to learn which thoughts and actions were sabotaging my efforts, and then move towards a more empowering mindset that eventually led me to success.

What would you say to someone in a similar position you were in before your transition?

Don’t let fear get in your way. It’s common to feel uneasy and uncomfortable when making big life changes, but don’t ever let fear stop you from moving toward a new path!

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