Homework Assignment: Visualize Your Next Job

If you don’t want what you have, but you don’t know what you want next, take out a piece of paper and your #2 pencil. Here is a three-part exercise that can help you get some clarity.
Part I:
Think about your current professional position (or any past positions you have had.)
What do you like about your:
Work environment?
Duties and responsibilities?
What do you NOT like about your:
Work environment?
Duties and responsibilities?
Part II:
Deal breakers
What MUST a new job opportunity have in order for you to accept the position?
What MUST a new job opportunity NOT have in order for you to accept the position?
Part III:
Once you have answered the above questions, get out a fresh piece of paper or open a Word document and create a job description for your shiny new position. Don’t limit yourself with “what if” or “if I have this, I can’t have that.” This is a time to be honest with yourself about what would really make you excited and fulfilled in your professional life.
Include the following sections:
Description of the job position
List of duties and responsibilities
Requirements and qualifications
Hours and schedule
Salary & Benefits
If a little accountability would help you out. Email me your job description, and you can schedule a free 45-minute coaching call to discuss your vision and create action steps.